This is my first look, and it was for a costume party I was a saloon/cabaret girl :)

Me in full on costume.
My boyfriend and I, doesn't this picture look so authentic :p

My boyfriend and I with our partners in crime, our costumes kind of matched w/the same theme. So cute.
My cousins and I
These are the products I used on my face, hopefully next weekend I'll post up a video on how to do achieve that look, we have 2 more costume parties next weekend, I love halloween! Don't we all? :)
Face: Studio fix powder and fluid foundation in NC35
Eyes: Mac eyeshadows: nylon & vex as highlighter, mulch and brown down above the eyelid and on outer corner, goldmine on eyelid. Mac fluidline in black track, and graphblack on water line.
Mascara: Benefit Bad Girl Lash, waterproof formula.
Fake eyelashes: Ardell's Demi 101
Eyebrows: Brown down eyeshadow, and show off brow set by Mac as well.
Cheeks: Mac's sculpt powder to contour my face, and Lorac Tantalizer Baked bronzer, and Mac's peachy keen blush.
Lips: All mac-Beet lipliner, red russian lipstick, and red russian lip gloss.
I hope you guys liked my first post, hopefully this won't be my last one, I've been very busy lately with a full time job and going to school full time, but I'll make time! Hopefully my first video will be up next weekend.
-Peace out!