I was tagged by GorgeousMommyK to do this tag posting, so why not thanks Yannet! :)
Step 1: answer the 8 questions
Step 2: make your own 8 questions
Step 3: tag 8 bloggers
1.Would you rather be Paris Hilton or Tila Tequila's BFF?
Paris Hilton hands down, I cannot stand Tila Tequila or the mere mentioning of her name, barf!
2.Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back something you said?
As of right now take back something I said, this is something that relates directly to something going on in my life. A few months ago I accidently told someone something that slipped from my tongue, an honest mistake that has unfortunately brought upon many headaches and drama, but anywho it's all childish and I'm over it!
3.Would you rather run into your partner's ex or yours?
My ex, Ish has already semi-met him and nothing happened, but if I was to run into his ex I would give her an ear full lol
4.Would you rather shave your eye brows or shave your head?
eyebrows! I would draw them in like the cholas lol
5.Would you rather go to jail for 5 years or be stranded on an island for 5 years?
Jail for 5 years at least I'd have company!
6.Would you rather have no makeup for a year or no shopping for a year?
no shopping, I can live without makeup most of the time I only wear it on the weekends anyway.
7.Would you rather dye your hair hot pink or bright green?
bright green, so I could look like Kermit :p
8.Would you rather marry your celebrity crush or your dream guy?
my dream guy, celebrities are overrated and he'd probably be all stuck up, nexxxtt!
My 8 questions for you to answer:
1. What is your biggest regret in life?
2. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
3. If you could switch shoes with anyone for a day, who and why?
4. What's the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?
5. What's been your proudest moment of your life so far?
6. What do you want your tombstone to read?
7. A song that describes your day?
8. If you had to choose a celebrity to star in a movie about you who would it be?
I tag:
1. Leilani
2. Yannet
3. Angelica
4. Jenny Doll
5. Malia
6. Jenny
7. Sorela
8. Nancy
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Blog Challenge Day Numero Uno!
It's about time I start blogging and this blog challenge is the perfect excuse to do it on a daily basis. I've seen this on many of the other blogs I follow so I decided to do it myself :) So now on to the good stuff and I encourage all of my followers to do the same!
Day Numero Uno: A photo of yourself and a description of how your day was.
While waiting for sis in law to get ready I took pics haha

So today I went to work like a typical weekday, 9-5 job anxiously waiting to get out so I could get my butt to the fair, I was craving funnel cake all day! So I get home get ready and head out to the local fair, it's a little fair that they have every Wednesday evening from spring to summer. It' s usually just a bunch of vendors selling stuff such as food, shirts, accessories, and funnel cake! lol I ended up going with my cousin Leilani, my sissy in law Ed, and my cousin Jesse, his fiance Carol and my nephew. We walked around I bought some cake and some cute hair accessories, which recently I find myself buying more and more of. If I'm having a bad hair day I usually just pin one of these bad boys on and voila' I instantly feel more done up.
I bought these tonight: a skeleton hand w/flowers, thinking of wearing this on my wedding day.
aand this headband which reminds me of Blair from Gossip Girl :p

These are all custom made flowers that two of my facebook friends made for me, the bottle caps are really cool, and if you look closely the black and white flower has a picture of Ish and I in the middle :) If you want some of these let me know and I'll give you her info.

Ok enough blogging for one day, hopefully I can keep up with the challenge!
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